A new and more sophisticated image for Cabrita Wines

A n e w a n d m o r e s o p h i s t i c a t e d i m a g e f o r C a b r i t a W i n e s

In the case of Cabrita Wines, a winery with some story behind, with a somewhat outdated image, it was necessary to rebrand the image. To reach new audiences, to maintain the level of sophistication of our wines, to represent our identity, we feel the need to renew the labels that make us so famous.

When creating a new wine label, we focused on keeping things simple and highlighting what best identifies us. We wanted to go further and the changes went beyond the label. A new logo that represents the stability of the brand, the name, the identity, wrapped in the vulnerable lines and curves that represent the fragile life of the vine.

A new, more consumer-friendly website was also launched. Family histories are mirrored in a more tangible medium for all. Scheduling experiences faster and more securely. An online store where you can purchase wines at any time and with total transparency.

A space dedicated to news for those who want to be more aware of what is happening at Cabrita Wines.